
A LLM based chatbot designed to revolutionize the assessment process.

Question Classification

Instantly classify questions based on Bloom's Taxonomy.

Suggestive Transformation

Elevate question complexity with AI suggestions for higher order thinking.

Generative Wizardry

Generate balanced question papers effortlessly based on customizable parameters.

The development of Bloomify was driven by extensive research efforts aimed at addressing prevalent challenges in educational assessment. Leveraging insights from Bloom's Taxonomy, our research team embarked on a journey to revolutionize assessment practices through the integration of artificial intelligence. Through meticulous data collection, analysis, and experimentation with cutting-edge natural language processing techniques, we laid the foundation for Bloomify's advanced features. Our research endeavors were guided by a commitment to enhancing cognitive assessment, fostering critical thinking skills, and promoting practical application of knowledge.

The development of Bloomify is supported by cutting-edge research conducted on educational taxonomies, large lanugage models, and generative AI.